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Posts tagged: energy

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

It’s that glorious time of year when it's finally warm enough to open the windows, but not so hot that we need to close them tight and turn on the Air Conditioning. The time of year when many of us revel in the sheer joy of a fresh breeze wafting...

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Libra Full Moon - It's all about balance.

Libra Full Moon - It's all about balance.

The astrological year begins on March 21st as the Sun moves into the sign of Aries signaling the beginning of another cycle of the Zodiac. The full moon that follows, with the moon in Libra balancing the fire of Aries signals to us that right now is the perfect time...

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Magickal Meals: Key Lime Pie Ice Cream

Magickal Meals: Key Lime Pie Ice Cream

With so much focus lately on self-healing and dealing with old trauma, sometimes you just need to stop and pay attention to yourself. Β  Self-care is distinctly multi-faceted, from proper rest and exercise to treats from time to time. It's all part of making ourselves feel energized and able to...

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Manifesting Abundance

Manifesting Abundance

Gratitude, it is a simple word and one that the spiritual community uses over and over. Gratitude is the key to so much in life; when we want to change the energy around a situation, we look for things to be grateful for. When we want to complete a healing...

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