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Posts tagged: color

Color Magic: Black

Color Magic: Black

Black has been associated with dark or negative magic because of its link with funerals, seances and other things that happen in the dark. In all honesty though, there is no such thing as black magic or white magic. Magic is about intention and need, therefore it is nearly impossible...

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Color Magic: Blue

Color Magic: Blue

The color of the depths of the seas and the mysteries of the sky. It is serene, it is relaxing and calming with just a hint of mystery about it. Cooling and soothing, blue is the perfect color for a relaxing room. Wearing blue can help you tap into your...

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Color Magic: Orange

Color Magic: Orange

Orange radiates a natural warmth and happiness, making it the color of social communication and a favorite of adventure seekers. It is the perfect blend of the stimulation found in the color red melded with the bright cheerfulness of yellow. It's slightly higher in vibration than red and is the...

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Color Magic: Red

Color Magic: Red

Red has the lowest vibrational energy of all the colors in the rainbow, this has lead it to being associated with the root chakra and its focus on the physical things in life. Because it is such a bright, bold color it brings to mind images of passion and violence....

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Color in Magic

Color in Magic

Everything in the Universe is made up of energy vibrating at different rates. These different speeds of vibration give us both color and matter of varying types. While it is believed that animals can see colors that Humans can not. The human eye can see light that is vibrating in...

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