The full moon today rides through the sign of Sagittarius and is full of fresh, vital energies. The Archer brings with it the ability to see things clearly and from a new viewpoint. When you tap into the energy of this moon and apply it to your life, you will be able to look at things that were painful and see only the possibilities that open up from it.
When you take the time to focus on your life you can truly soar above the day to day dramas that try to hold us back. You can see clearly all the events that have gone into your life so far and what they have taught you.
You will be able to see the strength you have gained and the knowledge learnt. You can take time to celebrate your victories and pause to learn from mistakes made. This full moon is the perfect time to look at your life and see it as the gift that it truly is. A shining necklace made up of the bright joys and triumphs with many more to come.
As the energy of this moon peaks we ask ourselves “what's next?” The energy surrounding us is that of seeking. It's about exploring new things and new parts of ourselves. It's about recapturing our love of life and learning something new. Now is the perfect time to do something you have longed to do. Launch that new project, take that holiday, make new friends. Shake up your routine a little!
It's also time to take stock of dreams and goals. Are yours still relevant to who you are? Take the time this full moon to look at your goals and discard the ones that no longer fit you. Take the time to craft new goals, ones that fit your path and where you are headed in life.
This full moon is all about possibilities and life opening up to us. Look around, explore, be open to new things and new adventures.
1. What area of my life should I be on high alert about?
Ace of Water.
New experiences and opportunities are highlighted this full moon. Right now, be open to new beginnings and new chances. Exciting new ventures are poised to come your way if you are open to them.
2. What is this full moon illuminating that must be released?
7 of Water (reversed)
There is a tendency in all of us to stick to our guns no matter what. This full moon you are being gently reminded that water succeeds by molding to whatever it is placed in. Water is fluid and can seep into any crack and make room for itself. Water is peaceful and calm, receptive while it awaits its chance to take control.
Let go of the need to always be right and be in charge. Instead, bide your time and know that the tree that bends with the wind does not break as easily as the one that tries to stand firm against it.
3. How can I best focus on my thoughts in order to align them with my higher vision?
XXIII Integrity
Be honest and truthful with yourself in all things. Focus on what you know to be true and right within your life and seek always to uphold that. Don't judge others, unless you are willing to hold yourself to that exact same standard.
4. Where do I have to regain balance?
King of Water
It's time to let go of old fashioned gender biases and be open to both your masculine and your feminine side. There are times it is good to be strong and protective and there are times it is good to be nurturing and emotional. Embrace both halves of yourself and let yourself find that balance within you.
5. What is my Self telling me that I need right now?
VIII of Earth
Abundance is waiting to flood into your life, the key is to do what you love and love what you do. Now is your time to reap the harvest of the seeds you have already sown and to look forward to the next harvest. What will you plant? What plans and goals are you setting for yourself?
6. What in my life is being completely supported?
II of Fire
The two of fire is partnership and teamwork. Two people working towards a common goal. Your dreams and plans have the support and strength of another added to yours. You don't have to do this alone. That support is waiting for you to reach out for it.
7. How can I best stay grounded throughout this manifestation?
VI of Water
Set boundaries in your life to keep things balanced and healthy. Don't let any one thing consume your life, instead make time for friends, family and work. Know what it is in your life that can not be replaced and make sure to nurture and cherish that.
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