This month we can expect some clarity coming to us with the full moon. The energies around it are perfect for self exploration and helping us see which direction is right for us. New truths are going to come to the surface this month. Some will be welcome, some will not, but they will all be necessary.
We will see life and ourselves with a new clarity, which at first may be jarring. This clarity means that some treasured beliefs may have to be released to make way for new ideas and beliefs that you feel fit you better now.
Gemini energy is all about duality, light and dark, good and bad. We all have a mixture of both within us. Gemini is about learning them both and learning to work with and grow from them both. This will help you find your own core strength that will aid you in creating the life you truly want.
November’s Full Moon is all about illumination and coming into a newfound sense of self. It is a powerful Full Moon that will help us to wrap up where we have been and to see a new potential before us.
1. What is my Shadow Twin saying? – Your subconscious
V of Water
Your shadow side wants you to feel alone and scared, it wants you to cling to old ways of coping and reacting to the world around you. Those old ways are safe and familiar to it and they carry with them no risk of healing or exposure.
2. What is my Light Twin saying? – Your consciousness
XXI. Perception
Its time to take a long hard look at things, are there parts of your life you want to change? Are there parts of you you want to change? What is your current perception of yourself? Ignoring the subconscious, how do you want to see that change.
3. How can I integrate it into wholeness?
IX of Air
Know thyself. The the first step to healing and integrating your shadows is to know that they are there and decide that you want to heal them. It takes courage to even look to see what may be lurking in the corners of your soul but know that you were born to create. To create a you that you love to be and love to be with.
4. What requires my dedication at this time?
XI. Healing
Any healing work carries with it the risk that at first it will hurt. Be prepared to meet that hurt face on, knowing that it is only temporary. Once the pain recedes you can focus on the healing work, the rebuilding, the deciding what you want to keep and what no longer fits your life. Dedicate yourself to you, resolve that you and your healing is your number 1 priority. It sounds selfish, but when you are whole and healed, everyone in your life benefits.
5. How best can I prepare for what lies ahead?
XVII. Journey
Healing is a journey, an adventure. At every turn something new and wonderful appears. A new gift, a talent you never explored. You open whole new windows of wonder in your life.
Know that it is a long journey, with many side roads to explore things. This is no short day trip, this is the expedition of a lifetime that brings rewards like no other. Expect the unexpected and expect to be pleasantly delighted and amazed and your healing journey will be light on the pain and heavy on the delight and things that bring you joy.
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