Bring on the Holidays!
It's time to give thanks for all that we have!
Now that the final harvest has long passed, we settle into the cooler autumn weather, and slowly turn inward for a long winter ahead. But first we must celebrate our abundance and have gratitude for everything in our lives!
Try Gratitude this Holiday Season
It's so easy to get caught up in the holiday madness, which often leads to emotional fatigue, an overtaxed immune system and plain old stress and anxiety. If you're like me, seeing all the Christmas/Hanukah/Winter Holiday merchandise filling the stores as early as October is rather cringe worthy. I just don't like feeling as if I am being herded towards several weeks filled with artificial merriment and excess spending.
But the magic of the holiday season is still very much present. You just have to look closer, past all the commercial garbage and enjoy the warmth the season brings. Here are a couple things to keep in mind as we tumble our way through the next few weeks:
Let Go of Expectations
Take a minute to think about all the Christmases, Yules, Hanukahs, that have gone by and recall all those disappointing moments when you just wished things were different. Maybe you would have preferred to receive a certain gift that you didn't get, or possibly you wish the family gathering would've gone a little differently. Whatever it is, ask yourself if it's really worth feeling bad over. Then, consider for a moment that the notion that most of life’s disappointments wouldn’t be nearly as devastating if we kept our expectations more in line with reality. Your holiday may not be everything you want it to be and that is ok. By choosing not to set your expectations unrealistically high, but instead allowing events to unfold however they do, you can help to eliminate the pain of disappointment from your holiday season.
Shift Your Mindset
Everything that is manifested in our physical world begins first as a thought. So why not change your mindset to one of gratitude? Studies have shown that having a gratitude-filled approach to life reduces stress and anxiety, improves relationships and even leads to better physical health. Being grateful for what you have now in this present moment in your life is the key to getting to where you want to go, or what you want to accomplish next. Try appreciating the things that typically annoy you about the holiday season. Finding the silver lining to situations that are not ideal helps these common stressors to roll right off your back.
This holiday season, try to release unrealistic expectations and try on an attitude of gratitude just for the heck of it and see how much more fulfilling and warm this year's celebrations will be!
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