by Jen Heinen
We are all familiar with the gemstone Emerald. This deep green stone draws us in from the outside world of chaos to peace, tranquility and love. It soothes our minds, balances our emotions and calms our bodies. These same properties are in the Emerald samples that are not precious gemstone quality. Emerald can enrich our dreams, memory and insight. It can raise our consciousness and improve our psychic abilities. Old emotional scars are erased by this wonderful stone. It is a good friend that will enhance our meditations.
It dispels negative energy. Emerald removes it from us and has the ability to find the source of this darkness and neutralize it. With this negativity removed, we find ourselves more in sync with Mother Earth, helping us to be in better harmony with life, inspired to positive thinking and attract prosperity. Emerald stimulates the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and immune system. It also relaxes the tension in the muscles. This is a stone of peace.
Emerald is the stone for love and romance. It brings joy to the heart and enhances faith in one another. It brings a greater sense of loyalty and sensitivity into play in our lives. Emerald promotes truthfulness in our communications as it raises us to a higher level of consciousness. With the help of Emerald we are able to express our deep emotions without feeling vulnerable. This personal security brings harmony and bliss into our inner lives. It also encourages strong love to be felt and shared. In this state we are more able to make right choices as we can see more clearly through the eyes of love and not fear. In this sense a gift of emeralds will enhance a relationship, as no other stone will.
Zinzeudo has a few natural Emerald specimens available, including tumbled stone.
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